Sunday, March 31, 2013

Easter Weekend

Easter this year was different but good. I'm here in Afghanistan instead of back home with my beautiful wife and daughter. But God, as always was here and made this weekend good.

Friday started out poorly, where I was up since Thursday morning at 0700. I was supposed to go back on guard later Friday night keeping me up for nearly 48 hours. But my platoon sergeant told me that I needed rest. So he took me off guard and told me to go to bed. I decided before going to bed I'd head over to the chapel and play some music and read. Well, to my surprise I was twenty minutes early for a Good Friday service I didn't know about. After all, I had forgotten that it was Good Friday. Needless to say, the service blessed me. Immediately following service they were playing Passion of the Christ. When I say they, I mean the MWR, not the chapel. To top it off, the MWR was playing outside on a projector. If you happened to live fifty feet from the outdoor theater or walk by you would see or hear the movie. Well, we thought things were going to go south as soon as the movie started playing. If you've ever seen Passion of the Christ, it's not in English and normally has captions. This copy did not have captions, no big deal if you actually know the story behind the movie. Well, we were concerned that the non-believers would get up and leave. NO ONE LEFT!!! Everyone stayed, and more people even came throughout the movie.

Let's move on to Sunday morning, Easter Sunday or Resurrection Sunday. This morning was good, about 80 degrees outside clear sky. Music this morning was good and so was the sermon. They even had one guy get baptized this morning. I didn't get a chance to go to the sunrise service but I was told about 22 people went to that. We had about 76 people at the 1100 service this morning. A lieutenant I've been talking about God and creation came this morning. I know a seed was planted; he has been talking about being on the fence and wanting to come to church. He said he will be coming more often.

Closing this out I ask you to pray for the salvation of the lost soldiers over here. These men and women sacrifice their lives, but the majority of them don't have hope for an afterlife. I've been talking to another lieutenant about creation vs. evolution. He does not and refuses to believe. Please pray for him as well. I hope you all have a great Easter weekend.


  1. Will pray John, keep being bold!

  2. thanks John for sharing your Easter with us and your prayer requests. I am encouraged by how He is working in your lives and will be praying for the requests you mentioned.
    love you ]
